Smartbilling is an IoT Billing Software that provides extensive flexibility when it comes to invoicing.

In the menu bar’s “Administration” and then under “Parameters” you can click on “Billing” hyperlink and work with parameters. Using them, we can …

  • Assign a fee to printed invoices.
  • Assign a pre-fix to invoices, to make 4318 look like I-4318; or assign them consolidated pre-fix. Pre-fix can be “I” and the consolidated pre-fix can be “IC-“ for a parent organization such as a head office that covers all branches. Head office may receive “statement of the month” from all its branches and use the consolidated pre-fix for that statement.
  • Switch a flag to show or not show the Payment Stub.
  • Add messages to Invoices. That’s important in day to day Telecom BSS/OSS. Message type can be text or image and we can upload them in English or French. On special occasions or statutory holidays adding a relevant message can be a good idea.
  • Set Late Fee. It takes a Minimum Amount and an annual percentage. We can also tell the system to make the late payment fee compounded or not.
  • Enter Invoice Run parameters. It can have its own prefix (IR- for example) and its own Minimum Amount. You may choose not to charge a late fee if the customer owes less than $10. In that case Minimum Amount will be $10. Also its own Late Fee, its own Late Payment Fee Annual Percentage and the associated Compounded choice. In Smartbilling, like in any mature Saas Billing Platform, you can set many other parameters on the same page. Jumping to different pages is minimized for a better user experience.
  • Adjust Credit Note‘s parameters. You can set its own pre-fix (C- is one option) and also Payment pre-fix (PMT- is an intuitive choice).
  • Put in Security Deposit ARP Interest in percentage and Security Deposit Charge.

Companies that use a VOIP billing software well know that flexibility in communication is a necessary component of success. Smartbilling provides multiple email templates from “Successful Credit Card Charge” all the way to “Declined Withdrawal”.

About Smartbilling:
Smartbilling is a cloud-based subscription billing and OSS for telecom industry.

Our software supports full customer life cycle and features a seamless quote to order to cash process.

Shane Dian